Boris cannot weaken in quest to leave EU - EXPRESS COMMENT All Comment IN 1918, a writer for the Syracuse Herald in New York State complained that he could not get out to enjoy something because the streets were blocked by "everything but the kitchen sink". Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Family's Universal Credit axed because of how dad was paid his wages A FAMILY are struggling to pay for necessities before Christmas after missing out on their monthly Universal Credit pWhatever happens today, the UK and USA will go together side by side, says WOODY JOHNSON TODAY, the American people are heading to the polls to vote for the next President. As a diplomat, I'll leave it to tJoe Biden's victory cold comfort for UK Lefties who wanted him to FAIL - JUDE D'ALESIO CONTRARY to the pollsters, pundits, and commentators, Joe Biden failed to win a landslide and Trump gained more votesCovid vaccine shows that science can save the day, says TIM NEWARK WHAT a heroic race it has been. Teams of scientists around the world have been working at breakneck speed to devise a