Life, liberty and the pursuit of parking

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AFTER two relatively mild winters, Rahm Emanuel’s ability to manage a snowstorm was put to the test earlier this month when it snowed, with little respite, for nine days. On the worst day of the storm Chicago’s mayor cancelled lessons in public schools to minimise traffic. He deployed more than 280 of the city’s salt-spreaders, asked residents to check on family, friends and neighbours, kept schools open for children who had nowhere to go and asked libraries to double as places to keep warm.

Unlike his predecessor, Richard Daley, Mr Emanuel did not mention “dibs” in his remarks about the snow, though he has in the past conceded that he believes in “sweat equity”. Dibs are a Chicago tradition that divides Chicagoans. If you shovel snow from a parking space and defend it with some old furniture to mark the space, you can claim it for as long as the city is covered in snow. “If someone spends all their time digging their car out, do not...Continue reading

Source: United States

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