Sectional preferences

“IF THE GOP does not nominate Donald Trump, the delegates need to be cleansed,” says an e-mail received a few days ago by Craig Dunn, a Republican delegate for Indiana’s fourth congressional district. It was one of many e-mails, calls and messages posted on the local Republican website to Mr Dunn from supporters of Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, calling him a traitor and employing some colourful expletives. Mr Dunn had dared to say in an interview with Politico, a news organisation, that he would not support Mr Trump unless Satan were one vote away from the nomination. In that case, said Mr Dunn, he would “consider voting for Trump if he was the only alternative”.

The fight for Republican delegates has become fevered and rather nasty as Mr Trump scrambles to shore up support from 1,237 “bound” delegates, or 50% plus one vote, before the Republican convention in Cleveland, Ohio, in July. According to state party rules, a bound delegate assigned to Mr Trump in a primary election is obliged to vote for him in the convention’s first round of voting. Even Mr Dunn says that he would vote for Mr Trump if the...Continue reading

Source: United States

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