Metro Bank: The top savings and ISA rates available to Britons All Finance METRO BANK became the UK's first new high street bank in more than 100 years when it first opened ten years ago. But what are the savings and ISA rates it offers? Source: Daily Express :: Finance Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Britons 'have never experienced anything quite like this' - inflation to hit your savings INFLATION skyrocketed to its highest level in a decade last month, rising to 5.1 percent from 4.2 percent in October.Interest rates warning: Bank of England hike to add over £300 to your mortgage costs INTEREST rates were raised by the Bank of England yesterday as the base rate was increased to 0.25 percent. UnfortunaHeathrow price HIKE warning: Passengers to be slapped with extra 50% charges HEATHROW has been given the green light to increase passenger charges 50 percent however the airport believes the feePension: You could boost retirement savings by up to £37,483 - ‘simple to do!’ A PENSION boost of up to £37,483 could be secured by Britons if they take a "simple" action with their money this Chr