It's high time the BBC woke up, says CAROLE MALONE All Comment IF this week has taught me anything, it's that we must face down the people who hate and continuously denigrate this country. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts We need British lion to ROAR again! But is Boris still up to it? Asks BERNARD INGHAM Is the vaccine cavalry appearing over the horizon, bugles blowing, just in time to save our Prime Minister who finds Our loved ones need human touch to survive, says ROSS CLARK THROUGHOUT the Covid-19 crisis there have been few sights as distressing as that of the anxious face of 97-year-old dWe cannot let coronavirus rob us of advancements in cancer research says TRACEY CROUCH Just over four years ago I completed Cancer Research UK's Pretty Muddy 5K in 35 minutes, scarring my wrist on an obstLockdown strikes against the heart of Conservatism but it's essential says JACOB REES-MOGG This week the Prime Minister has taken the difficult decision to impose further restrictions to tackle the coronaviru