HMV facing the music as losses mount: Music store has not made a profit in SIX YEARS All Comment HMV never made a profit in its six years under American ownership, racking up losses of more than £39million prior to its collapse. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Labour's ashamed of our history and abhors its culture, says JACOB REES-MOGG SIR KEIR STARMER has had a torturous All Hallows' Tide. The ghosts of Labour's past, its shameful indulgence of anti-Christmas payment dates 2021 - Every payment date plus Christmas bonus BENEFIT payments sometimes change around Christmas depending on what day of the week the holidays fall on. What are tSavings update: Britons could secure 5% interest rate before Christmas - are you eligible? THE LAST chance for Britons to stay above inflation has arrived just before Christmas, but who is eligible for the reCycle lane nazis have pathological hate of car-owners but councils kowtow to them The fanatical cycling movement has taken tenure of words and phrases like sustainable, healthy, ‘clean air to breathe