Bitcoin WARNING: BTC will be ‘WORTHLESS and have ZERO VALUE’ in 2019 All Finance BITCOIN is finished, according to one of the industry’s most influential figures. Source: Daily Express :: Finance Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts 'Buy local!' - One in five small businesses rely on strong Christmas sales to survive ONE in five small businesses will not survive 2022 unless their Christmas sales are strong, a report has found. SourPensioners set to pay National Insurance - what the new levy means for you PENSIONERS may have to fork out to meet National Insurance as part of a new levy being introduced by the Government. Interest rates warning: Bank of England hike to add over £300 to your mortgage costs INTEREST rates were raised by the Bank of England yesterday as the base rate was increased to 0.25 percent. UnfortunaUniversal Credit claimants may get Council Tax reductions - check now ahead of 5% hikes UNIVERSAL Credit claimants can gain access to a range of support on top of their basic payments. This can include add