Debenhams to CLOSE 50 stores after recording £500m LOSS – 4,000 jobs at RISK All Finance DEBENHAMS will close up to 50 stores over the next five years, putting 4,000 jobs at risk. Source: Daily Express :: Finance Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts The 13 ways to boost your income this Christmas CHRISTMAS is the most expensive time of the year, with the average person expecting to spend £1,108 during the festivCut your inheritance tax bills - gift money to your family this Christmas, NOT the taxman CHRISTMAS is a time for giving. It is also a time for planning. This is the perfect opportunity to slash your inheritUnpaid carers at risk of losing access to full state pension - apply for carer’s credit UNPAID carers across the UK are at severe risk of losing access to the full state pension if they fail to apply for vMassive changes to PIP applications - how DWP is making it easier to start a new claim THE DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONS has confirmed there will be massive changes to the applications for Personal Ind