Theresa May has passed her first big test with the Queen's speech - Express Comment All Comment THERESA May last night passed her first big parliamentary test since the general election as the Queen’s Speech was comfortably voted through by members of the House of Commons. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Most pollsters failed spectacularly - they've lost credibility, writes PATRICK BASHAM Joseph Stalin said it's not important who votes, but how they do the counting. Fast forward to this American electionInflation to 'far outweigh' interest rate hikes following this week's Bank of England vote INTEREST rates may be set to rise soon as the Bank of England will be reviewing if the base rate should be increased ‘Hidden pension benefit’ as millions to get pay rise next year A HIDDEN pension benefit is likely to be on the horizon for hundreds of thousands of Britons, as an important pay risLockdown strikes against the heart of Conservatism but it's essential says JACOB REES-MOGG This week the Prime Minister has taken the difficult decision to impose further restrictions to tackle the coronaviru