Financial detox: Top tricks to pay off debt for good in 2016 All Finance CAREFREE spending over Christmas has given many of us the gruelling task of paying back those bills in the New Year, but a few simple tricks can get you out of the red faster. Source: Daily Express :: Finance Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts National Insurance to surge to 13.25% - simple step will reduce amount you pay HMRC NATIONAL INSURANCE rates are due to rise by 1.25 percent next year but a few simple steps can help slice the tax billAttendance Allowance recipients get Christmas Bonus this week - see if you're eligible ATTENDANCE Allowance recipients are due to receive the annual tax-free Christmas bonus during this week. Source: DaiHeathrow price HIKE warning: Passengers to be slapped with extra 50% charges HEATHROW has been given the green light to increase passenger charges 50 percent however the airport believes the feeInheritance Tax exposed: Is your home at risk of costly IHT bill? NEW RESEARCH has exposed the regions in the UK where expensive homes are the most at risk of acquiring a costly Inher