Beachcomber: 98 years old and still hoping for world peace All Comment THE year was 2020 and finally, after five years of delicate negotiations, the United Nations was close to a final resolution of the conflict in Syria. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts 'Most successful’ Dragons’ Den pitch: Business now worth £30million and sells worldwide WONDERBLY has been labelled "the most successful business to have ever passed through the Den's walls" by investor PiBarnier knowingly stalling Brexit to force London's city powerhouses to move to EU COMMENT THIS week the EU is claiming it is still waiting for the UK to give notice of financial market access under the EuropInterest rates warning: Bank of England hike to add over £300 to your mortgage costs INTEREST rates were raised by the Bank of England yesterday as the base rate was increased to 0.25 percent. UnfortunaInside Politics: Whoever wins US poll, Boris Johnson can't lose LEADERSHIP is a lonely job as any Downing Street incumbent can testify. For Boris Johnson, life might well be about t