GEORGE CONWAY, a successful corporate lawyer who happens to be married to Kellyanne Conway, one of President Donald Trump’s most trusted advisers, has for months been making discreet digs at the president on Twitter. He observed that Mr Trump’s tweets about his travel ban might imperil it in court. When the president said he might pardon Muhammad Ali, Mr Conway posted a link to the Supreme Court decision in 1971 that had cleared the late boxer of his conviction. But this week Mr Conway socked it to Mr Trump good and proper. In a cogent 3,500-word article he explained why a flagrantly partisan attack on the legal authority of Robert Mueller, enthusiastically trumpeted by the president, is utterly bogus.
The article (“The Terrible Arguments Against the Constitutionality of the Mueller Investigation”), which was published on Lawfare, an influential blog, appears to have been provoked by a tweet by Mr Trump on June 4th. “The...Continue reading
Source: United States