America’s spat with the UN Human Rights Council

Haley storm

OF ALL the international arrangements President Donald Trump has forsaken, the UN Human Rights Council deserves the least sympathy. In announcing America’s withdrawal from the Geneva-based body, America’s ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, called it, “a protector of human-rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias.” Given that it currently includes abusers such as Congo and Venezuela among its 47 members, and is disproportionately fixated on alleged Israeli abuses, that was hard to deny. Yet America’s withdrawal will only make it harder to improve a body that has, despite its flaws, shown recent signs of promise. It also represents another small, but conspicuous, dent in America’s international leadership.

The council was formed in 2006, as the successor to the terminally discredited UN Commission on Human Rights, a body now best remembered for having had Muammar Qaddafi, Libya’s then dictator, as its chairman a couple of years before its...Continue reading

Source: United States

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