The long battle for control of Virginia’s House

IT WAS no great surprise when Democrats held Virginia's governorship in November. The state had been comfortably carried by Hillary Clinton in 2016, auguring a Democratic victory for governor that was probably clinched by voters’ deep distaste for Donald Trump.

What was a surprise, however, was Democrats’ huge success in legislative elections. These are typically friends-and-neighbours affairs in which party affiliation can mean little and hyper-partisan gerrymandering all but snuffs out competition. But this time round Democrats, who had been outnumbered two-to-one in the House of Delegates before the election (many seats had been drawn to help the election of Republicans) surged to within two seats of a takeover. Except for a smattering of delegates in the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC, the Richmond area and in the defence-rich south-eastern corner of the state, Republicans are now largely confined to heavily rural, thinly populated, Trump-friendly House districts.

Indeed, nearly a month after voting a...Continue reading

Source: United States

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