Not repealing Obamacare

GRAPPLING to comprehend Donald Trump’s populist seizure of their party, some Republicans predicted it would re-emerge as a champion of working-class whites. Others expected Mr Trump to drop his proletarian shtick and help deliver the tax cuts they had always dreamed of. Republican senators’ failure to repeal Obamacare, a long-promised part of that tax-cutting hope, suggests the party is no closer to working out who it represents, or what it is for. Republicans are in control of every lever of government in Washington, but so internally divided as to appear incapable of governing.

The attempt to repeal Barack Obama’s health-care regime—which Republican congressmen had for seven years decried as an existential threat to America—reached the Senate after an earlier shambles in the House of Representatives. The House repeal bill was passed in May, at the second attempt, despite having been rejected by 20 Republican congressmen. It would have slashed Medicaid—government-provided...Continue reading

Source: United States

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