Donald Trump’s disastrous fortnight

SO CLOSE to the stage that Donald Trump could almost have touched it, a notice on the school wall in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, carried this message: “Welcome to Cumberland Valley where sportsmanship is an expectation. So please …let the spectators be positive.” No chance of that. Even before the Republican nominee appeared, late on August 1st, on a pit-stop between Ohio and New York, the 3,000-odd people packing the gymnasium were spewing hate.

“What should we do with Hillary Clinton?” hollered a local politician, as if this crowd, of young people wearing “Trump that bitch” T-shirts and older ones who apparently did not mind the slogan, needed warming up. “Kill her!” someone shouted. “Lock her up!” the chant began.

This is Mr Trump’s achievement. The billionaire demagogue has not merely responded to the grievances of working-class whites—such as the folk in Mechanicsburg, mourning their lost steel mills, pay rises and other benefits that once accrued to being merely hardworking and white in America. He has also sought to stoke their anger. Vengeance against “rapist” Mexicans, Muslim...Continue reading

Source: United States

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