Free bus pass: State pension age change has impact on entitlement - check eligibility now All Finance A FREE bus pass can help many older people with getting out and about right across the UK. However, it is important to understand state pension age changes can impact one's entitlement. Source: Daily Express :: Finance Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Homeowners hit as interest rate more than doubled HOUSEHOLD finances will be squeezed even harder by rising mortgage costs, after the Bank of England more than doubledThe 13 ways to boost your income this Christmas CHRISTMAS is the most expensive time of the year, with the average person expecting to spend £1,108 during the festivMassive changes to PIP applications - how DWP is making it easier to start a new claim THE DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONS has confirmed there will be massive changes to the applications for Personal IndMistaken ID victim leads to credit nightmare and long battle to clear his name – Crusader Will the ghost of mistaken debt markers keep haunting an innocent bank customer or will there be Christmas cheer as t