Pension warning: Over 55s impacted by covid urged to consider savings options All Finance PENSION FREEDOMS were introduced by the government in 2015, and they currently let people who are aged 55 or older to access their Defined Contribution or Money Purchase pension pots. Source: Daily Express :: Finance Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts ‘Hidden pension benefit’ as millions to get pay rise next year A HIDDEN pension benefit is likely to be on the horizon for hundreds of thousands of Britons, as an important pay risMistaken ID victim leads to credit nightmare and long battle to clear his name – Crusader Will the ghost of mistaken debt markers keep haunting an innocent bank customer or will there be Christmas cheer as tChristmas payment dates 2021 - Every payment date plus Christmas bonus BENEFIT payments sometimes change around Christmas depending on what day of the week the holidays fall on. What are t‘Real or scam?’ HSBC alerts customers to convincing email fraud HSBC is warning its customers of the dangers posed by the latest example of convincing email fraud. Source: Daily Ex