Labour's ashamed of our history and abhors its culture, says JACOB REES-MOGG All Comment SIR KEIR STARMER has had a torturous All Hallows' Tide. The ghosts of Labour's past, its shameful indulgence of anti-Semitism, have engulfed him and continue to haunt his steps. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Universal Credit claimants may get Council Tax reductions - check now ahead of 5% hikes UNIVERSAL Credit claimants can gain access to a range of support on top of their basic payments. This can include addNational Insurance to surge to 13.25% - simple step will reduce amount you pay HMRC NATIONAL INSURANCE rates are due to rise by 1.25 percent next year but a few simple steps can help slice the tax bill10m furlough Brits veg-out with Netflix when they should be re-skilling to rebuild Britain FURLOUGH has been extended to the end of March 2021 - more than a year after it began. Other than plenty of leisure tIf Biden wins UK will suffer badly - and it will be entirely because of REMAINERS IF Joe Biden sneaks a win in this messiest of US elections Britain will face terrible economic damage. Source: Daily