Freedom comes at a price - so all of us have a duty to remember, says Laurence Fox All Comment I REMEMBER the first time that we commemorated Remembrance Sunday. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Inside Politics: Whoever wins US poll, Boris Johnson can't lose LEADERSHIP is a lonely job as any Downing Street incumbent can testify. For Boris Johnson, life might well be about tState pension warning as some pensioners now face costs for NHS treatment A WARNING has been issued to pensioners, as rule changes could mean some will have to meet costs for NHS treatments iAttendance Allowance recipients get Christmas Bonus this week - see if you're eligible ATTENDANCE Allowance recipients are due to receive the annual tax-free Christmas bonus during this week. Source: DaiIf Biden wins UK will suffer badly - and it will be entirely because of REMAINERS IF Joe Biden sneaks a win in this messiest of US elections Britain will face terrible economic damage. Source: Daily