Boris was right over lockdown brake for 4,200 reasons - ANALYSIS All Comment BORIS Johnson was right to gently apply the brakes to the easing of lockdown restrictions. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts The polling industry must radically reform its methodology says NIGEL FARAGE I'm in the Trump Hotel in Washington DC having spent the evening at a Republican campaign party. The mood of the roomHealthy Start scheme: Sainsbury's to top up vouchers as DWP raises payments HEALTHY Start vouchers can be offered to women who are pregnant or have a child under four who need support in buyingMassive changes to PIP applications - how DWP is making it easier to start a new claim THE DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONS has confirmed there will be massive changes to the applications for Personal IndCovid vaccine shows that science can save the day, says TIM NEWARK WHAT a heroic race it has been. Teams of scientists around the world have been working at breakneck speed to devise a