Labour is party of the metropolitan bubble and has betrayed Brexit voters, says KATE HOEY All Comment BORIS JOHNSON made a blistering start on his promise to get us out of the European Union by October 31. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Scaremongers terrified the nation with data FOUR weeks out-of-date, says CAROLE MALONE IT BEGGARS belief that a pair of anoraks like Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance - who terrified the nation with data We must persevere to protect our loved ones and the NHS says MATT HANCOCK CORONAVIRUS represents an extraordinary threat to this nation's health and prosperity. The virus is spreading, and ifAttendance Allowance recipients get Christmas Bonus this week - see if you're eligible ATTENDANCE Allowance recipients are due to receive the annual tax-free Christmas bonus during this week. Source: DaiTesting of carehome visitors being fast-tracked to make life worth living - HELEN WHATELY THIS week we are once again calling on the whole country to play its part to protect our NHS and the people we love.