Bitcoin price PLUNGE: Expert explains why cryptocurrency PLUMMETED to new low this year All Finance BITCOIN price plunged to its lowest value in more than a year this week and cryptocurrency expert Wayne Trench has said a "fairly unique market event" called forking is to blame. Source: Daily Express :: Finance Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Attendance Allowance recipients get Christmas Bonus this week - see if you're eligible ATTENDANCE Allowance recipients are due to receive the annual tax-free Christmas bonus during this week. Source: Dai‘Real or scam?’ HSBC alerts customers to convincing email fraud HSBC is warning its customers of the dangers posed by the latest example of convincing email fraud. Source: Daily ExHomeowners hit as interest rate more than doubled HOUSEHOLD finances will be squeezed even harder by rising mortgage costs, after the Bank of England more than doubled'Buy local!' - One in five small businesses rely on strong Christmas sales to survive ONE in five small businesses will not survive 2022 unless their Christmas sales are strong, a report has found. Sour