Beachcomber: 101 years old and still weighing things up All Comment MEGHAN Markle, I was surprised to discover yesterday, weighs 169kg. That’s more than 26 and a half stones. But her mother Oni weighs 235kg which is exactly 37 stones. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Global financial crash fears as China economy slows amid property nightmare CHINA'S economy is showing signs of beginning to stall as the country grapples with an ailing property sector and the‘Hard times’ Dave Ramsey suggests how man 59, with no savings can get by in retirement DAVE RAMSEY explained to Ashley, 32, that she will "have hard times", since her husband, 59, has no retirement savingHeathrow price HIKE warning: Passengers to be slapped with extra 50% charges HEATHROW has been given the green light to increase passenger charges 50 percent however the airport believes the feeCovid vaccine shows that science can save the day, says TIM NEWARK WHAT a heroic race it has been. Teams of scientists around the world have been working at breakneck speed to devise a