The list of charges against Scott Pruitt keeps growing

THE past week saw heat records set across the world. Even Scott Pruitt, who heads the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), might have been sweating a bit. Not because of the temperature (Mr Pruitt has the unruffled air of a man who sets the air-conditioning to Arctic mode), but because, after months of mounting scandals, President Donald Trump’s spokesman said on July 3rd that the president finds Mr Pruitt’s reported behaviour “troublesome”.

Mr Pruitt is facing no fewer than 13 federal inquiries. Last year he spent $50 a night to stay in a condominium on Capitol Hill owned by the wife of an energy lobbyist who had business before the agency he runs (stays at the Capitol Hill Holiday Inn, by way of comparison, can run above $250 on weeknights). He spent $3.5m on his round-the-clock, 20-man security detail in his first year in office—nearly double what his predecessors spent, on average, and a much larger security detail.

He regularly travelled first-class at...Continue reading

Source: United States

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