Brett Kavanaugh’s years as a government lawyer

WHEN Donald Trump was considering his choice for Justice Anthony Kennedy’s seat on the Supreme Court, Senator Mitch McConnell reportedly asked the president to steer clear of Brett Kavanaugh, the long-time circuit court judge Mr Trump tapped on July 9th. Mr McConnell is said to have told Mr Trump that someone with a paper trail as long as Mr Kavanaugh’s could hit more snags and give Democrats more to gripe about than one of the greener judges on the list. Mr McConnell’s hesitations seem to have since vanished. The 12-year veteran of the Appeals Court for the District of Columbia Circuit is a “superb” choice, he says. 

But Mr Kavanaugh’s documentary history is indeed extensive. It includes not only 300-some opinions he wrote as an appellate judge but untold thousands of documents connected to his near-decade of service in the executive branch. Before donning his black robe, he spent four years in the 1990s as an assistant to Kenneth Starr (pictured above, centre) investigating Bill Clinton and five years in the George W. Bush...Continue reading

Source: United States

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