Being a northerner is a state of mind All Comment WHEN a Newcastle academic called me a southerner recently I almost choked on my mushy peas. "Tripe!" I muttered. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Let us hope Covid shot also KILLS the anti-vaxxer drivel, says ROSS CLARK AMID THE euphoria which followed the announcement that the Pfizer vaccine for Covid-19 is 90 per cent effective comesDoctors fear for the continued actions of the Government, says GORDON WISHART MOST clinical doctors will be familiar with the Hippocratic Oath. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed https://ift.Extinction Rebellion's shameful antics do NOT speak for young people – CONNOR TOMLINSON EXTINCTION Rebellion's anti-Britishness does not represent environmentalism. They are shooting their own movement in Snowflakes faint at Fawlty Towers, but ignore violent computer games, says Sir John Hayes THE TV channel Talking Pictures has built up something of a cult following by reviving classic British films and old