The Trump administration joins a lawsuit to shred Obamacare

TO REPUBLICANS, the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is the zombie that endures countless hits to keep rising from its knees and haunt America’s health-care industry. The signature legislative achievement of Barack Obama’s presidency, which brought health coverage to 20m Americans, faced dozens of House repeal votes during Mr Obama’s two terms in office and survived a pair of Supreme Court challenges (in 2012 and 2015). It even, thanks to the vote of Senator John McCain, wriggled out of what appeared to be a Republican death grip when Donald Trump implored legislators to kill it in July 2017.

The Republican Party managed to hack off one of the ACA’s limbs last December when the law’s individual mandate (requiring most Americans to buy health insurance) was gutted in the tax overhaul. But unable to legislate away Obamacare’s more popular provisions—in particular, the rule against denying coverage or charging high rates to people with pre-existing medical conditions—the Trump administration is now enlisting the...Continue reading

Source: United States

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