Stelios ire as Fastjet dives All Finance SHARES in Fastjet, the African airline backed by easyJet founder Sir Stelios Haji-Ionannou, crashed 12p to 3½p yesterday as it warned it could go under without fresh funds. Source: Daily Express :: Finance Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Inflation to 'far outweigh' interest rate hikes following this week's Bank of England vote INTEREST rates may be set to rise soon as the Bank of England will be reviewing if the base rate should be increased Heathrow price HIKE warning: Passengers to be slapped with extra 50% charges HEATHROW has been given the green light to increase passenger charges 50 percent however the airport believes the feeBank of England raises base rate to 0.25% - what this means for your pensions and savings INFLATION surged to 5.1 percent in the 12 months to November, up from 4.2 percent in October. This will create specif‘Hard times’ Dave Ramsey suggests how man 59, with no savings can get by in retirement DAVE RAMSEY explained to Ashley, 32, that she will "have hard times", since her husband, 59, has no retirement saving