Donald Trump’s powers are not quite as vast as his lawyers claim

JUST as a frog in warming water cannot sense its own destruction, America is said to be increasingly inured to the harm President Donald Trump is doing it. The scandals and affronts are too many and too various to keep in mind—and also too confusing. It is hard to tell a toxic tweet from a major corruption scandal from an attack on the constitution. Just as the frog begins to suspect there is something seriously amiss, along comes a reason to think his pond is just a bit warmer than normal.

An extravagant legal row this week suggests there may be little time left for complacency. In a leaked 20-page letter written to Robert Mueller, the special counsel who is, among other things, investigating Mr Trump for possible obstruction of justice, John Dowd and Jay Sekulow, both lawyers for the president at the time, made a series of breathtaking claims for the powers of his office. It amounted to an argument last heard from Richard Nixon: that the president is above the law. Yet the Republicans who control...Continue reading

Source: United States

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