Violent crime is down in Chicago

RAHM EMANUEL is an expensive date for Ken Griffin. Encouraged by Chicago’s forceful mayor, after he complained about the overcrowded lakefront trail, the billionaire hedge-fund manager donated $12m for a separate bicycle path in 2016. He gave $3m for soccer fields in poor neighbourhoods in December. Mr Emanuel, a Democrat, even persuaded Mr Griffin, a Republican, to pony up $1m for his re-election campaign. And at a recent tête-à-tête, he persuaded Mr Griffin to part with $10m to bankroll the joint effort by the Chicago Police Department (CPD) and the University of Chicago’s Crime Lab, a research centre, to use data-analytics programs to predict and prevent violence in the crime-plagued city.

Mr Griffin’s latest gift to his hometown will mostly go to the CPD’s Strategic Decision Support Centres (SDSC), where civilian analysts and cops crunch data from gunshot detection-systems, surveillance cameras and computer programs with the aim of identifying the places where violence is...Continue reading

Source: United States

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