Mozambique is back, says its president. Donors are less sure

“MOZAMBIQUE is back,” says President Filipe Nyusi, hoping to persuade a recent gathering of fellow Commonwealth leaders that the buffeting his country has faced in the past few years is over. But his compatriots need convincing, too. Some point to dramatic changes in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Angola. Each has a new leader who vows to correct the bad habits of a recently ejected predecessor. Why, they ask, can’t Mr Nyusi, who succeeded Armando Guebuza in 2015, do the same?

Mr Nyusi has three hard tasks. First, he must accommodate Renamo, an opposition party that fought a guerrilla war from 1977 to 1992 and rebelled again more recently against Mr Nyusi’s Frelimo party, which has run the show since independence from Portugal in 1975.

Second, he must revive the economy by coming to terms with the IMF and foreign donors who suspended aid soon after a scandal involving $2bn of secret loans was exposed in 2016. Third, Mr Nyusi must chuck out and in some cases bring to book...Continue reading

Source: Middle East and Africa

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