Lebanon’s prime minister vows to pose for selfies with 6,000 women if he wins

FEW politicians enjoy a selfie as much as Lebanon’s prime minister, Saad Hariri (pictured). On the campaign trail before a general election on May 6th, Mr Hariri has clambered atop cars, posed with fans and cuddled up to children in search of the best snap of himself. At a rally last month he promised some 6,000 women that he would pose with each of them should he win. A recently released mobile-phone app allows supporters to upload their selfies with the prime minister, though most of the shots posted so far appear to be ones Mr Hariri has taken.

It is no wonder he is excited. Lebanon has gone nine years without a general election. One was due in 2013 but postponed three times as MPs failed to agree on a new electoral law, squabbled over the election of a president and debated which side they should back in Syria’s civil war. The political deadlock paralysed decision-making as the economy stagnated. Meanwhile popular anger over a lack of basic services has grown.

Some hope that the...Continue reading

Source: Middle East and Africa https://ift.tt/2FIJ0ai

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