Iowa passes one of the harshest abortion bills in America

ABORTION remains America’s most incendiary wedge issue. According to the most recent Gallup poll, 49% of Americans consider themselves pro-choice, while 46% say they are pro-life. Those numbers haven’t changed much in the past two decades, and the Supreme Court’s abortion-rights ruling in Roe v Wade, 45 years on, continues to serve as a lightning rod. States began nipping at Roe soon after it came down, and in 1992, the justices upheld several abortion regulations while extending Roe’s core promise to permit women to end their pregnancies up to the point of fetal viability, or about 24 weeks’ gestation. In recent years, challenges to Roe have become more brazen, with states passing 20-week, 15-week and 11-week abortion bans, many of which have faced trouble in court for violating the right protected by Roe.

Some states are going even further. This week, a few years after an ill-fated attempt in North...Continue reading

Source: United States

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