The Mueller probe is as much about the rule of law as Russian meddling

POWER corrupts, goes the old saw. Yet Donald Trump’s presidency is the opposite case. It reflects the still-dumbfounding reality that one of the world’s oldest democracies elected a fully formed rascal to its highest office. Mr Trump did not even try to hide his designs. He promised to run the country as he ran his family business, which would logically mean nepotistically, autocratically, with great regard for his personal interests and little for the rules. And so he has.

The president has bent anti-nepotism laws to put his daughter and son-in-law in the house whose first occupant, John Adams, hoped only to “do a little good”. He has retained his business interests and cloaked his finances in secrecy. He has spent a third of his time as president at his commercial properties. He persists in claiming to have or to deserve sweeping powers over Congress, the judiciary and the constitution no matter how often he is reminded that he does not. His example permeates his cabinet of grifters. Ben...Continue reading

Source: United States

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