France’s leakiest border is in the Indian Ocean

MANY Europeans feel their homelands have too many immigrants. In countries like Germany, as many as 15% of the population are foreigners. But on Mayotte, a small French island in the Indian Ocean with a population of 256,500, the share is more than half. Immigration has led to violent protests and a general strike, bringing the island to a standstill since February. Locals have begun rounding up suspected illegal immigrants, and the island is descending into chaos.

“Every night ten boats carrying at least 30 people arrive on our shores,” says Mansour Kamardine, Mayotte’s deputy in France’s National Assembly. “It is absolutely intolerable.” Many of those arriving are pregnant women. Every year, 70% of the 10,000 births in the island’s sole maternity hospital are to illegal migrants. France’s policy of droit du sol (birthright citizenship) means they are entitled to French nationality. French officials are considering making the hospital a non-French...Continue reading

Souce: Europe

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