A bipartisan group of lawmakers is pushing for action on climate change

AMONG the many things that divide Democrats from Republicans is climate change. Fully 73% of Democratic voters say they are worried about global warming, compared with 32% of Republicans. Yet last month Elise Stefanik, a Republican congresswoman from New York (pictured above), co-authored a letter with a Democratic colleague urging President Donald Trump to reconsider his decision to purge climate change from the list of threats in the National Security Strategy. Another ten Republicans signed it (as did 94 Democrats). Many are members of the Climate Solutions Caucus in the House of Representatives. 

The caucus is as atypical as a climate-friendly Republican. It was dreamed up in 2016 by two south Florida congressmen. Ted Deutch, a Democrat, and Carlos Curbelo, a Republican, both worried about the damage global-warming-induced sea-level rise was visiting on their coastal districts. Having served on the House ethics committee, Mr Deutch noticed that divvying up seats evenly between the two sides fostered civility. So he and Mr Curbelo decided...Continue reading

Source: United States https://ift.tt/2q9f1Th

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