The Supreme Court rebuffs Donald Trump’s call for a quick DACA hearing

WITH a brief order on February 26th, the Supreme Court dealt a blow to Donald Trump’s plans to rescind Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. The justices, without elaboration or dissent, refused to expedite Mr Trump’s appeal of a lower-court decision stopping him from winding down the programme, which protects some 700,000 undocumented immigrants from deportation and gives them permission to work. The government had asked the Supreme Court to hear its appeal before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal had weighed in—an extraordinary request typically granted only in the midst of national emergency. It seems that Mr Trump’s lawyers overreached: the justices effectively told the administration to stand down and get back in line. They will consider acting only after the case wends its way to them on the prescribed appellate path.  

When Jeff Sessions, the attorney-general, announced on September 5th that the programme was illegal and would be ended, a phase-out was established. DACA recipients would have until October 5th...Continue reading

Source: United States

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