Donald Trump has an immigration proposal to sell

“IN MANY ways,” said one pundit after Donald Trump’s maiden address to Congress 11 months ago, “it was the long-awaited pivot that Trump has always promised…He was disciplined, didn’t veer much at all from the script and hit his marks.” This assessment reflected where Candidate Trump had set the bar. Reading from a teleprompter and not belittling opponents was enough to get some critics to call him presidential. It did not last long. Four days later Mr Trump took to Twitter to accuse Barack Obama, falsely, of masterminding a plot to tap his phone during “the very sacred election process”.

A year into his term, public opinion on the 45th president has calcified. His approval ratings are stuck right where they were a couple of weeks after his inauguration: just under 40%, according to Gallup. For a president in office while wages are growing and unemployment at a 17-year low, that is extraordinarily poor. Though frustrating for the White House, there is wisdom in the polls’...Continue reading

Source: United States

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