A clutch of challengers could shake up Egypt’s presidential race

Shafiq, a killer candidate

THE most interesting man in Egyptian politics is trapped in a hotel. On November 29th Ahmed Shafiq announced that he would run for president. The former prime minister is best known for losing the presidential race in 2012 to Muhammad Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was himself toppled in a coup the following year. Hours after his announcement Mr Shafiq claimed that he was barred from leaving Abu Dhabi, where he lived in self-imposed exile. But his hosts said he was free to go—and then kicked him out.

After arriving in Cairo Mr Shafiq disappeared for a night. He resurfaced the next evening for a bizarre televised interview. “I’m not kidnapped or anything,” he said. His home just needed renovations and the authorities arranged alternative accommodation, he explained. “I was taken to one of the most distinguished hotels in the area.” It must be comfortable there, for Mr Shafiq has not been seen in public since....Continue reading

Source: Middle East and Africa http://ift.tt/2qri9xi

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