A federal judge blocks Donald Trump’s ban on transgender soldiers

AMERICAN politics has a new rhythm: the president does something outrageous; lawsuits fly; a judge stops the new policy in its tracks. The ban on travel from Muslim countries came first, halted within hours of its appearance at the end of January. The second and third versions of the travel ban have been frozen too, though version 2.0 escaped full Supreme Court review when it expired earlier this month. The White House’s attempts to punish sanctuary cities for refusing to cooperate on immigration enforcement have also been halted by federal judges—three times. Now Donald Trump’s ban on transgender troops—a policy he announced in a series of tweets over the summer—has been dealt a significant legal blow.

On July 26th, Mr Trump tweeted that the government will no longer “accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the US military”. Why this reversal of an Obama-era policy opening the armed services to transgender people? “Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory”, Mr...Continue reading

Source: United States http://ift.tt/2zT8qzE

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