Whoever wins the American presidential election, Russia comes out ahead

TWO days before America’s presidential election, Dmitry Kiselev, the television host who serves as Russia’s propagandist-in-chief, announced that whichever candidate emerges victorious, the real winner will be the Kremlin. Wearing a tight suit and a self-satisfied smirk, Mr Kiselev drew three conclusions. First, the campaign was the dirtiest in America’s entire history, and made a mockery of the country’s political system: “It was so horribly noxious that it only engenders disgust towards what is still inexplicably called a ‘democracy’ in America.” Second, whoever wins the election will be a “lame-duck” president, facing an impeachment effort from the very start. Third, the occupant of the White House will lack legitimacy.

The wounds Mr Trump has inflicted on Hillary Clinton will destroy her political viability, opined Mr Kiselev. But “even if Mr Trump wins, Mrs Clinton will declare his victory illegitimate and will sabotage his presidency, so his victory will be a Pyrrhic one. Neither of the candidates will be a president of the whole of America.” This does not mean that America will change its course: the power of its...Continue reading

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