How Tim Kaine might use his new clout in the Senate

TIM KAINE is quietly returning to the office he, and nearly everyone else, thought he would give up to become vice president.

After the unanticipated Democratic catastrophe of 2016, Mr Kaine is still a United States senator, representing Virginia, the only state in the Old Confederacy won by his presidential running mate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Serving his first six-year term, Mr Kaine, who says he has no interest in running for president in 2020, has two years until he stands for re-election to the Senate. It is not a lot of time, but enough perhaps for Mr Kaine—having recently established a national profile—to establish himself as a counterweight in the Senate to the new Republican president, Donald Trump.

“There is a lot of work to do to make Congress the branch that it is meant to be,” Mr Kaine told his hometown newspaper, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, in a recent interview. “In terms of where there is the most need for good to be done, I think it’s here,” he said, adding, “I’ve built very, very good relations, even in a short time, with Republican members in the Senate and some in the House side… I kind of...Continue reading

Source: United States

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