The FBI acquits Hillary Clinton again

FBI directors do not need to be popular, but they do need to have the confidence of their staff and, ideally, America. It is hard to think James Comey, who made a second belated intrusion into the general election on November 6th, has much of either currently. 

In a letter to Congress, Mr Comey announced that a second FBI probe into Mrs Clinton’s e-mail arrangements as secretary of state, which he had announced nine days earlier, had reached the same conclusion as the first. Mrs Clinton’s use of private internet server instead of an official e-mail was “careless” but did not warrant an indictment.

Mr Comey had thrown his first bomb, nine days earlier, in announcing the second probe. The FBI had concluded its initial year-long investigation into Mrs Clinton’s e-mails three months previously. Yet Mr Comey announced, also in a letter to Congress, that additional e-mails had come to light which appeared “to be pertinent to the investigation”. It transpired that these belonged to a close aide of Mrs Clinton’s, Huma Abedin, and had been discovered in an unrelated investigation into her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, concerning lewd text...Continue reading

Source: United States

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