“We’re gonna cut you off right now. We’re gonna cover right now Boyz II Men, Philadelphia’s own, is here and they’re performing onstage.”
CNN cuts from demonstrators outside the convention to watch an ageing pop band
No speaky
“I’m hoping I’m not going to have to start kind of brushing up back on my Dora the Explorer to understand some of the speeches given this week.”
A CNN political consultant is upset that Senator Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s running-mate, speaks Spanish
Accentuate the positive
“But boring is the fastest-growing demographic in this country.”
Senator Tim Kaine defends himself. NBC
Meme of the moment
“I don’t know who created Pokémon Go, but I’m trying to figure out how we get them to Pokémon Go to the polls!”
Mrs Clinton keeps up with popular culture
History repeating
“Today is the anniversary of Dylan going electric at the 1965 Newport...Continue reading
Source: United States