The tissue trade

EVEN ardent advocates of a woman’s right to an abortion may grow queasy from watching a series of undercover videos of meetings with representatives from Planned Parenthood, a national group that offers reproductive-health services, including abortions. In order to harvest hearts, lungs and “as many intact livers as possible” from aborted fetuses, providers use ultrasound to make sure they do not “crush that part,” explains Deborah Nucatola, a medical director for the group, between sips of wine. Another shows a medical executive named Mary Gatter apparently negotiating the sale of fetal “specimens”.

The videos come courtesy of the Centre for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion pressure group. The three released since July 14th have been watched millions of times, and the group promises “thousands of hours” more. It says the videos show that Planned Parenthood is running a “black market for baby parts”, which is illegal. Planned Parenthood denies this claim, and the recordings do not quite prove that the organisation is profiting from these transactions. But abortion providers at their health centres are apparently...Continue reading

Source: United States

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