WHEN asked to bend an anti-nepotism law so that President Donald Trump could put his son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka in the White House, the Department of Justice produced a sinuous argument. Trouncing decades of legal precedent, it ruled that the law did not apply to White House staff. It also reasoned that, as Mr Trump would consult his relatives in any case, it made sense to make them official advisers because then they would come under conflict-of-interest laws.
Despite some huffing from ethics wonks, this drew little criticism. Nepotism was not the biggest worry about Mr Trump’s looming presidency. Indeed Mr Kushner and his wife were considered a virtuous influence on him. Mr Trump’s campaign had mostly been run by oddballs and third-raters—like Sam Nunberg, who went on a cable-television news rampage this week after he was subpoenaed by Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Trump World. “Javanka”, by contrast, were handsome celebrities with metropolitan views...Continue reading
Source: United States http://ift.tt/2FoXsZG