Does refusing to bake a wedding cake count as speech?

ON DECEMBER 5th the Supreme Court takes up its first major gay-rights battle since the landmark 2015 decision opening marriage laws nationwide to gay and lesbian couples. The case, Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission, has spurred ample media coverage, more than 90 amicus or “friend of-the-court” briefs (evenly split between the two sides) and a queue snaking around 1 First Street, NE of people hoping to claim one of the few dozen public seats in the courtroom. 

This attention is not surprising. As your blogger’s first preview of the oral argument explained, two sides of a cultural battle are colliding before a court that is fractured along ideological lines. Four conservative justices are expected to incline toward Jack Phillips, a Christian baker who declines to create cakes for wedding ceremonies he considers...Continue reading

Source: United States

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