Voters in Virginia repudiate Donald Trump and his policies

BECAUSE he is everything that President Donald Trump is not, some out-of-state political pundits had written off Ralph Northam in Virginia’s closely watched election for governor. They suggested that Democrats were hurtling toward another embarrassment.

But Mr Northam’s identification as the anti-Trump is probably the reason he handily defeated Ed Gillespie, a former lobbyist, on November 7th. Mr Northam put in the strongest performance for a Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate in 32 years.

A soft-spoken paediatric neurologist who grew up on the Eastern Shore, a sandy rural spit flanked by the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, Mr Northam not only led his party’s sweep for lieutenant-governor and attorney-general, he hastened huge, unexpected wins for the House of Delegates. This might tip the chamber to the Democrats for the first time in nearly 20 years. Recounts in several close races could decide party control.

Among the Democratic victors for the statehouse was Danica Roem, America’s...Continue reading

Source: United States

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