Government must stop wasting our money in foreign aid, says STEPHEN POLLARD All Comment IN just over three weeks’ time Philip Hammond will stand at the Commons Despatch Box and deliver the first Budget since the election. Source: Daily Express :: Comment Feed Author : Unknown Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts This squabbling unelected cabal of No10 minnows will BRING DOWN Boris and Britain COMMENT WHAT a shambles! I refer, of course, to the No 10 soap opera which goes from bad to worse. Who would have thought it Scaremongers terrified the nation with data FOUR weeks out-of-date, says CAROLE MALONE IT BEGGARS belief that a pair of anoraks like Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance - who terrified the nation with data The Government should not ease the lockdown restrictions early says PROFESSOR KAROL SIKORA EVERY morning I sit down with a cup of coffee and try to make sense of what is going on. To be completely honest, witChristmas payment dates 2021 - Every payment date plus Christmas bonus BENEFIT payments sometimes change around Christmas depending on what day of the week the holidays fall on. What are t